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Cleaning with Essential Oils

Posted on May 21, 2024

What are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are highly concentrated aromatic compounds obtained from plants and they have many different applications.

Different types of Essential Oils have unique chemical profiles that offer individual characteristic aromas and benefits.

Aussie Candle Supplies Essential Oils are sourced from ethical and responsible sources.  We offer only pure high-quality oils.

How To Clean With Essential Oils

Essential Oils are incredibly versatile, they are the eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners. 

Traditional household cleaners are often packed full of harsh and harmful toxic chemicals such as antibacterial agents, polishing agents and stabilisers which can cause irritation, watery eyes, coughing, headaches, upset stomachs and can even contribute to more serious long-term illnesses.


Essential Oils are the natural alternative to using harsh chemicals around your home and workspaces.  Not only do Essential Oils have antiviral and antibacterial properties they are also pleasant, uplifting, energizing and aromatic.


We have put together a few D.I.Y cleaning product formulas for you to try at home.


Essential Oils For Cleaning


  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Offers a bright and energizing fresh scent which can help promote feelings of emotional upliftment
  • Natural de-greaser
  • Natural deodoriser
  • Helps to gently polish wood and leather
  • Natural disinfectant
  • Blends beautifully with Bergamot, Swee Orange Oil and Pink Grapefruit oil

Eucalyptus Blue Gum

  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Assist in warding off pests such as dust mites
  • Natural disinfectant
  • Offers a refreshing cool scent that promotes refreshing feeling of cleanliness

Cinnamon Leaf

  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Repels mold & mildew
  • Offers a warm aroma


  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Offers a warm floral aroma that promotes feelings of emotional comfort
  • Deodoriser and mold repellent

Peppermint Arvensis

  • Offers antibacterial properties
  • Offers a revitalizing and cool scent that promotes feelings of freshness and clarity
  • Deodorising properties
  • Assists in pest control – particularly rodents

Tea Tree

  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Exudes a penetrating medicinal camphoraceous, woody and herbal aroma that promotes feelings of clarity and calmness
  • Helps to eliminate fungal growth


  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • Natural deodorizer
  • Offers a refreshing and uplifting aroma
  • Natural disinfectant


  • Offers natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • Offers antifungal properties
  • Natural disinfectant
  • Insect repellent


Formulas for DIY Cleaning Products Using Essential Oils

DIY Cleaning

Essential Oil Suggestion

How to:


Gentle Hand cleaner or dish soap


(using ACS Castile Soap)






Lemon or Lime


Eucalyptus Blue Gum


Cinnamon Leaf


Peppermint Arvensis



1.  In a dispenser bottle fill to 80% with Castile Soap

2.  Add 10% Water

3.  Add 30 drops of your preferred Essential oil or combination.

4. Cap the bottle and shake well to combine.

5. Dispense a small amount onto hands or dishes, scrub then rinse.

Surface Disinfectant


(cabinets, doors, door handles, floors, toilets, sinks, kitchen benches, mirrors etc…)

Lemon or Lime


Sweet Orange




Peppermint Arvensis


Tea Tree


Cinnamon Leaf


Pink Grapefruit


1. Combine 1 Cup of White Vinegar, 1 Cup of Water and 30 drops of preferred Essential Oil or combination of Essential Oils into a spray bottle.

2. Cap the bottle and shake well until combined.

3.  Spray the solution onto the hard surface, wipe with a damp cleaning cloth.

Sink & Bathtub Cleaner



Lemon or Lime






Peppermint Arvensis


Eucalyptus Blue Gum


Tea Tree




1. In a container, combine 5 drops of a preferred Essential Oil with
Bi-carbonate of Soda and water to form a paste.

2. Using a small, soft scrubbing brush, scoop out the preferred amount of the blend, then scrub it into the sink or bathtub.  Rinse off.


Wood & Leather Polish
Sticky Residue Remover


(always carry out a discreet spot test)

Cinnamon Leaf


Eucalyptus Blue Gum


Lemon Eucalyptus








Sweet Orange Oil



1. Dilute 10 drops of preferred Essential Oil or Essential Oil Blends in approx. ½ Cup of carrier oil such as Almond, squalene, Apricot, Castor or Peach oil.

2. Dip a soft cloth into the solution then rub it gently into the wooden surface or leather for a natural shine. 

3. To remove sticky residue, simply wipe the oil away with a clean cloth.


Essential Oil Side Effects

As with all other Aussie Candle Supplies products, Essential Oils are for external use only. It is imperative to consult a medical practitioner before using these oils for therapeutic purposes. Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use Essential Oils without the medical advice of a physician, as they may have effects on certain hormone secretions, and it is unclear whether these effects are transferable to babies at these stages of development. These oils should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children.

Those with the following health conditions are especially recommended to be advised by a physician: cancer, heart-related ailments, skin disorders or allergies, hormone-related ailments, or epilepsy. Individuals that are taking prescription drugs, undergoing major surgery, or who are at a greater risk of experiencing strokes, heart attacks, or atherosclerosis are also advised to seek medical consultation prior to use.

Prior to using any Essential Oil, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by diluting 1 drop of the Essential Oil in 4 drops of a Carrier Oil and applying a 1cm-size amount of this blend to a small area of skin that is not sensitive. Essential Oils must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of Essential Oils include redness, rash, hives, burning, bleeding disorders, decreased speed of healing, low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, and rapid heartbeat. In the event of an allergic reaction, discontinue use of the products and see a doctor, pharmacist, or allergist immediately for a health assessment and appropriate remedial action. To prevent side effects, consult with a medical professional prior to use.

IMPORTANT: All Aussie Candle Supplies products are for external use only.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner.
Aussie Candle Supplies do not offer advice regarding the suitability of their products in regard to animal exposure, please check with a professional Veterinarian.